/Blog/Inside iKhokha/A Day in the Life of an iK Tribe Newbie: Induction Merchant Visit
A Day in the Life of an iK Tribe Newbie: Induction Merchant Visit

A Day in the Life of an iK Tribe Newbie: Induction Merchant Visit

Every induction merchant visit is designed to give iK newbies a holistic view of iKhokha merchants in the real world. Here are some adventures to expect.

BY Prenelle Pillay

27 OCT, 2022

Starting a new job can feel like wading through murky waters, with no idea of what’s to come. While you can Google all you need to know about the company you’re joining, there’s no way to know what you’re getting into until your first few days.

However, iKhokha does things differently. While most new hires are thrown into the deep-end and asked to get cracking from day one, new members of the iK Tribe are treated to a road trip to visit the businesses they will support. It’s an excursion with a purpose that leaves newbies feeling inspired, educated and ready to do their part in making SME magic happen.

What’s on the Merchant Visit Agenda?

1. Umhlanga Farmers Market

The first stop of the day was a farmers market in Umhlanga. From fresh fruit and veg to homemade kombucha and handmade leather belts, the team got to meet merchants and observe the hustle in real-time.

Chatting with merchants was an eye-opener for the newbies as they heard about the challenges of entrepreneurship and how iKhokha’s products and solutions have been helping them attract new business while making transactions as simple and fuss-free as a tap.

Looking to get paid quick and easy? Check out the iK Tap on Phone!

After an hour or so of chatting and taste-testing yummy goodies offered by merchants, the team got back on the road, making their way to the next stop.

2. Rich or Poor Tuck Shop

Next up was Rich or Poor, a tuck shop located in the heart of KwaMashu. Visiting this merchant served as a reminder of just how resilient entrepreneurs are. Learning about how the owner “makes a plan” when challenges arise was insightful as the team thought about what they could do in their respective positions to help Mzansi’s kasi businesses thrive.

3. Fatima’s Kitchen

By the time the team had wrapped up their visit at Rich or Poor, it was time for lunch. And, of course, it had to be at an iK merchant. At Fatima’s Kitchen in Springfield Park, the team had a chance to rest for a bit, catch up on the highlights of their day thus far and grab a bite to eat.

While there, the team observed the unique way the staff operated – the speed and efficiency they showed as they took note of orders, prepared and served the team’s lunches were second to none. For this business, “Teamwork makes the dream work” is not just a saying!

4. Stretch Pilates

After lunch, with a refuel of energy and enthusiasm, the team made its way to Stretch Pilates, a Pilates studio in Mount Edgecombe. Walking into the studio with oohs and ahhs all around, the newbies knew they were in for a treat at its pristine premises. The merchant kindly gave the team a play-by-play of his business offerings, payment challenges, and how iKhokha has helped him manage payment receipts.

Once done at the Pilates studio, the team made their way back to iK headquarters rejuvenated and ready to uplift Mzansi’s small businesses!

Want to learn more about the iK Tribe? Check out the #iKTribe series!

A Trip Fit for the iKTribe!

During this trip (and the many others held before), iK newbies get the opportunity to understand the true essence of entrepreneurship: the hustle and the immeasurable drive to make great things happen.

Keen to join our tribe? We’re now hiring internationally, so check out our vacancies and apply from anywhere in the world!

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